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Introduction to 2 Timothy

Introduction to 2 Timothy

The Writer

As with 1 Timothy, this epistle is also written by Paul (1:1).

The Purose of Writing

Timothy had already been instructed to guard what was entrusted to him (I Tim. 4:11-16; 6:20), and now Paul wrote this letter to encourage Timothy to stand fast in the things already taught him and to give strong Christian leadership (1:6-7; 2:1; 3:10-17; 4:1-5). Paul counseled him to wage a spiritual warfare against the powers of evil through the power of the Holy Ghost (1:7).

The Theme

The theme is loyalty to the Lord and truth in view of persecution and apostasy (1:8, 12, 16; 2:15).

Introduction (The Amplified Bible):

Paul again was imprisoned in Rome (A.D. 66-67) under Nero at the times he wrote this letter. After writing his first letter to Timothy, possibly from Macedonia, it seems probably that Paul was arrested either in Troas or Nicopolis (Tit. 3:12) and returned to prison in Rome.

In this letter Paul seems to sense that his opportunities for preaching the gospel are about to be terminated (4:6-8). He is lonely, and he wanted very much for Timothy to join him (4:9, 21). He tries to encourage and strengthen Timothy for the great task committed to him. Paul longs to see Timothy again, asking him to bring the books and parchments he had left in Troas. Paul also warns Timothy against men who have harmed him in his ministry. Charging Timothy to maintain sound doctrine, Paul expresses his personal confidence and faith in Christ.

The Outline

There are four chapters in this epistle, which can be decided into five sections all dealing with loyalty:

  1. The Loyalty of Paul (1:1-4)
  2. The Loyalty of Timothy (1:5)
  3. The Loyalty of Servants (1:6-18)
  4. Loyalty in service for the Lord (2:1-3:17)
  5. Loyalty in certain members of the church (4:1-22)