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This is a study begins with some considerations of Bible prophecy in general and continues with a...
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Exploration of the challenging passages of the Scripture and how to honestly and accurately weigh...
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Maine Pentecostal Bible Schools
Compiled by Rev. D.T. Rideout - 2009
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Recently Updated Pages
God of Eternity
1 Chronicles 29:10-20 — Wherefore David blessed the LORD... Introduction Context of 1 Chronicle...
3.1.5 James 5
Introduction James begins with a scathing warnign to the rich man. James 5:11 contains the only ...
In Defense of the Teacher
Introduction There is a danger in my own opinion having the highest priority. I will give a brief...
Understanding the Humanity of Jesus
Understanding the Humanity for our Witness Muslim Witness "Jesus is not the Son of God" Jehovah'...
Chapter 4: The Kingdom of God
In this section we will examine the Kingdom of God. The term itself denotes sovereignty, power, a...
Chapter 3: The Church Throughout the Ages
1. The Church in God's Mind The Church was in God's Mind throughout the ages Eph 1:9; 3:3,5; Col ...
Local Church: The Purpose & Practices of the Local Church Preface Introduction to Local Church T...
Chapter 16: Church Discipline
WHAT OFFENSES REQUIRE CHURCH DISCIPLINE? A person should not be ____________ under church discipl...
Chapter 15: Deacons
extended periods of study is to take time to worship, praise, and pray and, I could add, to physi...
Chapter 14: Elders
In this chapter we will examine the necessary scriptural qualifications for Elders. Some churches...
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